

An ecommerce site based on Wordpress.

Abraham's Mens's Products

The Wordpress theme was created from scratch using a Yeoman generator to scaffold the environment from Wesley Todd.

~$ npm install -g yo generator-wordpress
~$ sudo npm install -g yo generator-wordpress
~$ yo wordpress

Then I began to modify a blank boilerplate theme from Matt Banks using GRUNT task automation and SCSS for rapid development.

The e-commerce portion is facilitated with the WooCommerce plugin and SEO by Yoast. A location plugin was added for customers to locate their nearest retailer.

The crown jewel of the site is the social media integrations. A combination of API calls and plugins, create a unique and powerful Social Media workflow for content management.

Social Media Workflow

The Administrator of an associated Instagram account, can make an Instagram post, and the image and post content is pushed to the Wordpress API, creating a pending blog post. The Instagram image is saved as the Featured Image, the post content is saved as Post Body, and the first 3 words are saved as the Post Title. Hashtags are saved as post tags.

From there, an hourly cronjob runs to catch all new pending posts, and publish. On the publish event, the social media sharing plugin automatically pushes a Twitter, Facebook, Google +, and Tumblr post, all with the same featured images, titles, content, hashtags, and backlinks to the website.

Abraham's Men's Products Blog

The ROI of SEO value generated by a single Instagram post is phenomenal and the workflow is minimal.